Unlock free money to help pay for your education

We'll use all available funds to help you pay for your education at Germanna, and we're here to support you through each step of the financial aid application and awarding process.
Germanna is committed to using the Principles & Standards of the College Cost Transparency Initiative in its student financial aid offer.
Complete your FAFSA
Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for each year that you’re in school. The FAFSA opens opportunities for all types of aid.
- Germanna’s school code is 008660
- Germanna's priority deadline is April 1
Complete the 2024-2025 FAFSA now for semesters fall 2024 - summer 2025 . For this aid year you will be using your 2022 Federal Income Tax Return data.
Complete the 2025-2026 FAFSA now for semesters fall 2025 - summer 2026 . For this aid year you will be using your 2023 Federal Income Tax Return data.
More resources and information are available from Federal Student Aid.
Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) Application
Virginians who are nonimmigrants, undocumented, have Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status or are otherwise ineligible to file the FAFSA and would like to be considered for state financial aid. The VASA application provides access only to state financial aid.
Financial Aid Workshops & Info Sessions
Our upcoming events are designed to provide you with access to financial aid programs that can help you in managing your educational expenses. Explore a list of our upcoming events and access previously recorded workshops and information sessions.
UPCOMING: "How to Avoid Getting Dropped from Classes". Learn how to avoid confusion, stress, and getting dropped from classes. April 22, 6:30 p.m.
College success is more than going to class and getting your homework done on time. Join us for an interactive information session on how to make sure your tuition is paid on time so you can concentrate on being successful in your classes. Click HERE to register.
We're here to help you succeed
You know you have to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid form, but maybe you’re not sure what to do. We're here to help.
Financial Aid Hours
- Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. (In-person)
- Monday - Thursday: 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. (Virtual)
- Friday: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. (Virtual only)
Appointments are not required to receive assistance.
Schedule an appointment
Make a virtual appointment with a Financial Aid Advisor in Navigate and going to the Appointments tab.
Make an appointment on Navigate
24/7 & After Hours Support
How much will you save at Germanna?
On average, by attending Germanna, you will save $8,000 for one year of tuition and fees.
Financial aid application process
Maintain your financial aid eligibility
Different types of aid
Cost to attend Germanna
When will aid money be available?
Financial Literacy
Be savvy with your finances. Get money tips and make a plan.