Your Gateway to a Brighter Future
Welcome to Germanna! Whether you're a current student or just looking to learn more, we're here to help. Fill out our interest form or reach out directly—we can't wait to connect with you and guide you on your journey to success.
Future Students
Complete our short interest form to connect with a Germanna specialist. Your Germanna specialist will help you:
- Choose a program of study
- Complete the Germanna application
- Connect with more Germanna resources
Take a Tour
Newly Applied Students
Meet with your admissions coach. Your dedicated coach will:
- Review your application
- Ensure we have all the right info
- Guide you through your next steps
Contact Admissions
Continuing Students
Continuing students may self-register in MyGCC or meet with an Academic Advisor to create a class schedule.
Contact Academic Advising
Our Recruitment & Outreach Team
Connect with a recruiter one-to-one and explore your options and learn how to get started.

Ms. Tereza Valencia
Outreach Coordinator • Hablo Español
(540) 834-1961

Speak to a Career Advisor
Our career advisors will help you navigate the path from high school to Germanna.

Ms. Annalise Jenkins
High School Career Advisor, Eastern View and Culpeper County High Schools

More ways to connect with Germanna
Resources for Current Students
Connect with campus resources and services for all Germanna students.