Your support makes a difference
Your support keeps our students on a path to completing their degree by providing financial support and scholarships, food and other necessities, and special programming for underserved student populations. Consider supporting some of our current giving priorities.

Early College
Help first-generation high school students realize their full potential. Your support transforms the lives of our Early College learners.
- Early college program with exceptional results
- Open to students at Culpeper, Eastern View, James Monroe, and Spotsylvania High Schools
- Graduates earn high-school diplomas and college degrees simultaneously

Germanna Guarantee
Your support for this need-based scholarship program keeps qualifying students from leaving school when they can’t pay their full tuition bills.
- Proactively awarded to students
- Keeps students on the path to completion
- Removes small barriers that make a big impact on the student’s success

Germanna Cares
Supporting students with their critical needs keeps them on paths to self-sufficiency and makes immediate impacts in their lives:
- Food
- Emergency and safety needs
- Technology and books
- Transportation
Fund for Germanna
Unrestricted fund to be allocated by the Germanna Educational Foundation Board, as needed, to help address unexpected needs and opportunities throughout the year.
Gossweiler Emergency Fund
This emergency fund provides support for students who encounter a financial barrier that could cause them to drop out of college. Examples could be an expensive car repair or not being able to pay a bill due to temporary job loss. The fund was created by Germanna professor, Richard in honor of Germanna professor, Richard Gossweiler before his sudden passing in 2015.
Germanna Community Conversations
Help create free, engaging, educational events open to Germanna students and our communities. With your support we can continue to bring in guest speakers and hold timely conversations for the benefit of all.
Jennifer Goonan Memorial Scholarship
Jennifer Goonan tragically lost her life in a car accident just hours before her graduation. This scholarship fund in her memory benefits students who are working in the food industry, as she did, regardless of their career goals.
Dorothyjean Jamieson Memorial Scholarship
In memory of long-time Fredericksburg educator, Dorothyjean Jamison, this endowed scholarship provides funds to students who are a divorced or widowed with preference given to women over 30 years of age or a daughter of a divorced or widowed mother who is age 17-20 and a Business Administration major.