Get scholarship money for college

Germanna makes it easy to find money for college. We offer over 70 scholarships just for Germanna learners. That means you.

Scholarship applications are now open.

Apply for over 70 scholarships through one brief application and automatically get matched to all available scholarships.

Students are encouraged to apply yearly. As a requirement to complete the scholarship application, students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in order to qualify. Scholarships are awarded each aid year in July for fall and spring of the upcoming academic year.

If I am not selected to receive a scholarship, do I need to re-apply for the next year?

Yes, all applicants must re-apply once the new calendar year begins.

How will I be notified that I have been selected to receive a scholarship?

All recipients will be notified at their Germanna student email account and will be given instructions as to how to accept or decline their award. Students will be sent the Scholarship Recipient Agreement Form on behalf of the Educational Foundation to complete, acknowledging their award. At this time, please complete a thank you letter and submit this to the Educational Foundation.

What will the scholarship pay for?

Depending on the particular scholarship, funds may be utilized to purchase books as well as for tuition and fees. If a student does not enroll or attend for the semester awarded, the funds will returned to the Education Foundation to be re-invested or re-distributed for future awards or to another student.

DISCOVER Your Way to STEM Teaching

Germanna is partnering with the University of Mary Washington to offer 18 scholarships, each totaling $48,000, to participating students.

Learn more

Scholarship Search

There are many free scholarship search sites on the internet. The following links provide a sample of what is available on the internet.

Be cautious of scholarship scams and if an opportunity sounds too good to be true.

The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia maintains a website of state financial aid programs.

VFCCE Scholarships

The mission of the Virginia Foundation for Community College Education (VFCCE) is to provide access to education for all Virginians. One way we work to fulfill this is by offering statewide scholarship opportunities. Awards start at $1,000 for students enrolled or planning to enroll at any of Virginia’s Community Colleges. Please log in to learn more about VFCCE scholarship opportunities and apply. Application deadlines may vary.


Tax Credits for Higher Education Expenses

The IRS provides tax benefits for education. Information is provided at the Federal Student Aid website.

Local/Private Scholarships

Opportunities will be added as they are available. 

Community Foundation of the Rappahannock Region Scholarships 

  • The Schmidt Trade Construction Fund

    This scholarship provides funds to purchase tools and other essential items crucial for practical training and professional development. Grants will be available for local students enrolled in an industry or construction training and certification program in either a high school or a community college.

  • The Randy and Tina Harris Family Scholarship Fund

    The Randy and Tina Harris Family Scholarship will be awarded to African American students pursuing a career in the workforce or trade industries. Applicants must be planning to enroll or already enrolled in credentialed or certificate classes such as workforce (construction, manufacturing, technology), trade, or medical-related field.

Students can contact CFRRR directly with any questions. Call 540-373-9292 or email for more information. 

Lake of the Woods Lions Club Workforce Scholarship

Scholarship Search

There are many free scholarship search sites on the internet. The following links provide a sample of what is available on the internet.

Be cautious of scholarship scams and if an opportunity sounds too good to be true.

The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia maintains a website of state financial aid programs.

VFCCE Scholarships

The mission of the Virginia Foundation for Community College Education (VFCCE) is to provide access to education for all Virginians. One way we work to fulfill this is by offering statewide scholarship opportunities. Awards start at $1,000 for students enrolled or planning to enroll at any of Virginia’s Community Colleges. Please log in to learn more about VFCCE scholarship opportunities and apply. Application deadlines may vary.


Tax Credits for Higher Education Expenses

The IRS provides tax benefits for education. Information is provided at the Federal Student Aid website.

Local/Private Scholarships

Opportunities will be added as they are available. 

Community Foundation of the Rappahannock Region Scholarships 

  • The Schmidt Trade Construction Fund

    This scholarship provides funds to purchase tools and other essential items crucial for practical training and professional development. Grants will be available for local students enrolled in an industry or construction training and certification program in either a high school or a community college.

  • The Randy and Tina Harris Family Scholarship Fund

    The Randy and Tina Harris Family Scholarship will be awarded to African American students pursuing a career in the workforce or trade industries. Applicants must be planning to enroll or already enrolled in credentialed or certificate classes such as workforce (construction, manufacturing, technology), trade, or medical-related field.

Students can contact CFRRR directly with any questions. Call 540-373-9292 or email for more information. 

Lake of the Woods Lions Club Workforce Scholarship

External Scholarship Guidelines

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