1.0 Purpose

Germanna Community College (GCC) policy statement providing for the tuition relief, refund, and reinstatement of students whose service in the uniformed services has required their sudden withdrawal or prolonged absence from their enrollment.

2.0 Policy

It is the policy of GCC to provide for the tuition relief, refund, and reinstatement of students whose active military duty during a time of national emergency has required their sudden withdrawal or prolonged absence from their enrollment, as described in the Code of Virginia (§ 23-9.6:2).

It is the responsibility of students and staff to adhere to the guidelines in this policy. Students on active military duty who are called away due to a national emergency should notify the appropriate College officials as soon as possible to initiate the processes outlined in the policy.

3.0. Procedures

3.1 Tuition and Required Fees - Should a military or military-dependent student as defined request to be withdrawn from the college after the census date, the student will be awarded a full refund and assigned a grade of “W”, except for the refund requirements below where active duty military students receive federal financial aid (and thus subject to the Return of Title IV Funds).

3.1.1 Under no circumstances should a tuition refund be processed prior to a Return to Title IV Funds (R2T4) calculation. In addition, a tuition refund generally should not result in a credit balance on the account of a financial aid recipient whose tuition and fees were paid by gift aid. Tuition refunds should be calculated as the amount of tuition and required fees less any gift aid. At the discretion of the college, the full amount of tuition and required fees may be refunded to the student regardless of how tuition and required fees were paid. To the greatest extent possible, students who have borrowed student loans should be encouraged to permit the college to return any credit balance to the lender.

3.1.2 Germanna will, as applicable, fully refund: Miscellaneous Education, General Program, Auxiliary Services and Student Activity fees to the qualified students.

3.1.3 The college shall provide, at the option of the student, for such refunds to be retained and to be applicable to tuition and fees charged in the semester in which the student returns to study.

3.2 Deposits - Germanna does not charge deposits.

3.3 Textbooks - GCC contracts with an external bookstore for textbooks. Refunds for textbooks are made according to the contracted bookstore’s policy and are handled independently.

3.4 Academic Credits and Grades - Military or military-dependent students should have the opportunity to receive an incomplete grade (“I”) instead of receiving a tuition refund and a grade of “W” (withdrew). For a grade of “I”, all course requirements shall be completed within one year from the date of release from active duty or mobilization.

3.4.1 Students may be given the option of taking their examinations prior to regularly scheduled exams.

3.5 Reinstatement - Military or military-dependent students as defined above shall be assured a reasonable opportunity to be reinstated in the same programs of study without having to re-apply for admission if they return to the after a cumulative absence of not more than five years so long as the student provides notice of intent to return to the institution not later than three years after the completion of the period of service.

3.6 Tuition Refund/Debt Removal Process for Military Students - Military students wishing to be administratively withdrawn after the final refund date must complete the withdrawal process:

The military student withdraws from the courses with the assistance of the Military and Veterans Center Staff (the Staff). The Staff will give the student a Tuition Refund Request form and submits for processing or takes the student to the various offices for questions.

3.6.1 If the student has benefits: military students receiving active duty or veterans’ education benefits will be required to speak with the Staff to discuss implications/consequences for withdrawing. The Staff will verify on the form he/she has spoken to the student.

3.7 Return of Unearned Tuition Assistance Funds for Active Military Students Covered by U.S. Department of Defense Military Tuition Assistance Program - Military Tuition Assistance (TA) is a U.S. Department of Defense program. TA rules vary by branch of service and even vary between different units within the same branch depending on whether the unit is active, reserve, or National Guard. TA funds will be applied to tuition costs only.

3.7.1 Military Tuition Assistance Recipients - Military TA is awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. When a student withdraws, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of TA funds originally awarded. To comply with the U.S. Department of Defense policy, Germanna Community College (GCC) will return any unearned TA funds on a proportional basis through at least 60% portion of the period for which the funds were provided. If a service member stops attending due to a military service obligation, GCC’s Business Office will work with that service member to identify solutions that will not result in a student debt for the returned portion.

3.7.2 Withdrawals - A student’s official withdrawal date is used as the last date of attendance and to calculate earned percentage of TA. A student’s official withdrawal date is determined by using the last date of attendance that is documented and submitted to the Admissions and Records Office. Once the last date of attendance has been determined, GCC will recalculate a student’s TA eligibility based on the following formula:

Number of Days Completed

—————————————— = Perfect of TA earned

Total Days of the Course (start to end date) The amount of TA funding that is earned is determined on a pro-rata basis. For example, if a student completed 30% of the course, he/she earned 30% of the TA funds that he/she was originally scheduled to receive, in turn, this portion will be retained by GCC and paid toward the student’s balance. The remainder of the unearned funds (70%) would be returned to the TA program. If this results in an unpaid tuition balance, payment would be the responsibility of the student. Once a student has attended at least 60% of the period for which TA funds were approved, the student is considered to have earned 100% of the TA funds.

4.0 Definitions

For purposes of this section, military services are defined as service (whether voluntary or involuntary) on active duty in the Armed Forces, including such service by a member of the National Guard or Reserve, when mobilized or deployed for a period of more than 30 days. Dependents of military members may also be given consideration under this policy. Dependents are defined as any civilian qualifying as a military dependent under 37 USC 401 currently or as otherwise amended.

5.0 References

Virginia Community College System Policy Manual, Section 4.3.2 Tuition Refunds State Council for Higher Education for Virginia, Virginia Code §23-9.6:2

6.0 Point of Contact

Vice President of Administrative Services in conjunction with the Vice President of Student Affairs.

7.0 Approval and Revision Dates

Leadership Council: Approval Date – 01/31/20


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