Virginia’s Career Readiness Certificate is an assessment-based credential that gives employers and career seekers a uniform measure of key workplace skills. The certificate is portable skills credential, assuring employers that a job applicant actually has the basic skills they seek. The certificate is awarded to candidates that successfully complete the WorkKeys assessments in three content areas:

  • Reading for information
  • Locating information
  • Applied mathematics

Based on the assessment scores, candidates earn a Bronze, Silver or Gold certificate. Employers and individuals are encouraged to visit the Virginia CRC website for complete information.

The Virginia CRC website provides extensive information about the CRC, WorkKeys, and the multitude of benefits for both individuals and employers.

Career Readiness Certificate assessments are given by appointment only.

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Testing Services


Daniel Technology Center

Academic Testing
Room 217

High-tech Testing
Room 200

Fredericksburg Area Campus

Academic Testing
SP1, room 220

High-tech Testing
SP1, room 214

Locust Grove Campus

Room 207F

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