Current Students
Students who are currently registered with the Office Accessibility Resources must request accommodations each semester. It is recommended that students request accommodations two-three weeks before the start of classes. Students are encouraged to pick up their letter(s) the first week of classes and distribute them to their instructors.
Prospective Students
To be eligible for services, students must identify themselves to the Office of Accessibility Services. Students are required to provide documentation for their disability. Please refer to the link titled “Appropriate Documentation” for more information on what constitutes as appropriate to receive services.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible for services?
Services are provided to students who qualify as a “person with a disability”. A “person with a disability” is defined by law as anyone with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. Disabling conditions may include but are not limited to chronic health impairments (such as AIDS, seizure disorders, muscular dystrophy, arthritis, heart disease, respiratory conditions), visual/hearing impairments, specific learning disabilities, ADHD, speech language impairments, and physical disabilities.
How do I register for services?
A student may self-disclose a disability to a faculty or staff member at the time of application to the college, or at any point while enrolled at Germanna. Upon self-disclosure, he/she will be referred to a Special Needs Counselor to register for services. At that point, the student must provide current documentation of his/her disability.
What type of documentation is needed for my disability?
To determine the most appropriate accommodations, students must submit current documentation of their disability. Documentation guidelines can be found here.
How are accommodations determined?
Many factors help determine the most appropriate accommodations for a student. Documentation plays a large part in what accommodations a student is eligible to receive. However, student input and the type of course play a significant role as well.
What types of services or accommodations are available?
Accommodations may include but are not limited to the following: Testing Accommodations, Note Taking Assistance/Scribes, Academic Advising, Barrier Removal, Orientation to campus, Accessible Parking, Assistive Technology, Sign Language Interpreters.
How do I tell my instructors about my accommodation needs?
Once accommodations have been determined, an accommodation letter is developed by the Special Needs Counselor. The letter is then taken by the student to his/her instructors. Students are encouraged to discuss their needs with their instructors after class or during the instructor’s office hours