Funding Objective and Goals
Scholarship and Creative Engagement Development Fund provides opportunities for continued professional growth and development for faculty through scholarly and creative engagement activities.
The purpose of the Scholarship and Creative Engagement Discretionary Funds is to provide opportunities for continued professional growth and development for faculty by promoting scholarly and creative engagement, to encourage research in pedagogy, and to advance academic disciplines. Approved activities must focus on professional development of faculty to improve the success of Germanna students and/or the campus community. The discretionary funds are limited to approximately $10,000 per year (about $5,000 for each of the two funding cycles).
All faculty (teaching and professional, full-time and part-time) are eligible to submit proposals. Due to the limited funds available, priority will be given to individuals who did not receive funding in the past two years.
Funds may be used for a broad array of scholarly and creative activities including, but not limited to: travel to professional conferences, seminars, workshops, and classes, costs related to bringing experts to campus, fees, equipment and supplies, student assistance, publication expenses, collaborations and multidisciplinary activities, etc.
Award Details
Review and Evaluation
Proposals will be reviewed by the Scholarly and Creative Engagement Committee members. Applicants will be notified by October 15 or March 15, respectively, whether their request has been approved and the amount funded.
No funding will be awarded retroactively for activities that have already taken place.
Proposal Preparation Guidelines
The proposal must include:
- a brief description of the project, including the scope and projected outcomes
- a brief explanation of what you intend to learn or gain from attending this activity
- how this activity relates to your primary role at Germanna
- the topic(s) covered, if you intend to give a presentation
- a proposed budget (breakdown and justification)
- how will you disseminate what was learned.
Responsibility of the Awardee
Awardees must submit a post-event report by the beginning of the next awarding cycle to disseminate what was learned. In special circumstances, the committee may approve a delay of one funded cycle for the post-event report. In such circumstances, faculty members must provide documentation to warrant a delay, and each instance will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- An analysis of this new skill/knowledge in a scholarly/creative work assignment submitted to the Scholarship and Creative Engagement. The document submitted will be stored on Digital Commons, and made available to the college community through a web page hosted by the Germanna Libraries.
- A presentation at your division/department meeting or at a college faculty meeting.
Failure to complete post-event report may negatively impact the awardee’s eligibility for future funding and/or require the faculty member to reimburse the funding.
Apply Now
Please review this form in its entirety before completing the application. Hand-written applications are not accepted.
Proposal Deadlines
- September 15 - Fall Semester
- February 15 - Spring Semester
This form must be submitted by 11:59 p.m..
Please contact Breanna Lutterbie if you have any questions.