1.0 Purpose

Provide a description of Information Security requirements for employees of Germanna Community College to synchronize their mobile device to Germanna’s official email system and other College approved applications.

2.0 Policy

This policy applies to all employees at Germanna Community College. By syncing any College data such as email to a mobile device, the employee agrees to the terms of this policy.

2.1. All devices on which College email, calendars, and other data are stored must employ a PIN number through the device’s operating software and/or service provider. This PIN number cannot be deactivated and the PIN number must be changed periodically in accordance with Commonwealth of Virginia, Virginia Community College System, and Germanna Community College practices which is every 90 Days.

2.2. Lost or stolen devices both personal and college-owned that sync email or any other college data must be reported to Technical Services within 24 hours via an email or helpdesk ticket because the device is storing official College data.

2.3. College staff shall provide support for synchronization of college data on College owned devices.

2.4. College staff can only support the application used on personal devices to set up the email Synchronization. Problems outside of the email synchronization setup must be coordinated through your local carrier.

2.4.1. Any applications syncing college data must support all security features required by the college.

2.5. The College reserves the right to initiate a remote purge of College owned data from devices:

  • That have been lost
  • That have reported as stolen
  • Owned by employees who have separated from the College without previously providing evidence to Technical Services that College owned data has been purged
  • Locked by service provider or MDM due to password failure
  • That are inoperable due to operating system error

2.6. Neither the College nor its employees shall be responsible for loss of personal data that may result from the remote purging of College owned data.

2.7. Devices syncing College Information may not be jail broken or rooted.

2.8. The College may require devices to be encrypted and other security policies to protect the college-owned data on the device.

3.0 Procedures

4.0 Definitions

College approved applications are those that contain or synchronize college data and meet the required security standards.

5.0 References

6.0 Points of contact

Manager of Technical Services Support

7.0 Approval and Revision Dates

Leadership Council: First Reading Date - 07/23/20; Approval Date - 08/27/20

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