Nurture a culture of high performance, innovation and appreciation.

Academic Affairs and Workforce Development

1.17 The library will increase student usage of course, subject, and topical library help guides.

1.19 Increase the percentage of all dual enrollment faculty who participate in a GCC-sponsored professional development activity by 5 percent.

Student Services

1.13 Provide professional development and training on diversity, equity, inclusion, and customer service to Testing Services staff.

Human Resources

1.4 Increase comm. and transp. as they relate to HR plans/progr. to assist in creating a cult. that is positive, collab., equit. and safe throughout the life cycle of the employee as meas. by the number of new policies devel. and appr. through shared govern.

1.9 Increase the number of diverse hires by 5%. Ensure good “fit” in the hiring of a more diverse high caliber talent by end of fiscal year.

1.10 Enhance professional development opportunities for Classified staff and Administrative & Professional faculty (A&P) as measured by number of opportunities presented to staff and presentation evaluations.

1.18 Increase the average percentage of diverse applicants for open positions.

Administrative Services

1.5 Provide greater and more proactive service to customers.

1.12 Improve Data Processing Efficiency.

Institutional Advancement

1.7 Engage with Active Advisory Boards.

Transform teaching and learning to meet the needs of all students.

Academic Affairs and Workforce Development

2.15 IIT will support faculty professional development, resulting in an 85% satisfaction rate collected from the Faculty Fall Survey and Spring needs assessment.

2.18 CTL will develop diversity, equity and inclusion professional development opportunities for faculty that develop, maintain, and promote a campus climate and culture of understanding, respect, and support.

2.19 Expand the PBL culture by resulting in 90% of full-time faculty will have a PBL or problem-solving related APPDO objective.

2.20 Develop and maintain a campus culture of understanding and support for diversity through an emphasis on inclusive teaching and learning as demonstrated by 100 percent of full-time faculty.

2.23 Increase student participation in focused study groups targeting classes with the lowest success rates by Germanna minority students.

2.24 Support the Direct Enrollment Initiative by increasing ACE’s academic support intervention to high-risk students enrolled in gateway English and math classes.

2.25 Market ACE to students to ensure they are aware of the availability of on-campus and online learning support programs and resources, resulting in an increase in usage of services.

2.28 Improve the satisfaction reported by participating students enrolled in two or more College Everywhere Courses per semester.

Administrative Services

2.5 Provide the most state-of-the-art classroom technology available by achieving 90% replacement annually on 5 year replacement cycle.

Institutional Advancement

2.6 Develop funding to start new College programs.

Construct an educational and career pipeline for all students from connection through completion.

Academic Affairs and Workforce Development

3.8 Students will feel their Academic Advisor is knowledgeable about their program requirements.

3.18 Increase enrollment in FastForward programs by 3% over FY20, by June 30, 2021

3.21 Plan and implement faculty competency peer groups for each of the six general education competencies to develop a profile of the general education student experience and facilitate reflective interdisc. collaboration designed for continuous improvement.

Student Services

3.19 Enhanced outreach to post-traditional and growth populations including adult learners, career switchers, military families and underserved populations.

3.20 Enhanced virtual information sessions and open house offerings.

3.22 Increase enrollment of recent high school graduates by 5% through Career Coaching.

Eliminate barriers to access and success for all students.

Student Services

4.32 Increase the number of students serviced by the Office of Disability Services by 5%.

4.38 Increase satisfaction with student activities by offering a centralized welcoming and engaging environment.

4.40 Launch an updated College website focused on providing an enhanced and optimized experience for external audiences by summer 2021.

4.41 Expand and enhance the College’s image and brand value by developing a new comprehensive college identity and brand strategy by fall 2020.

4.44 Increase efficiencies of prospect management and communication by summer 2021.

4.48 Enhance and expand outreach to key audiences through the establishment of a monthly digital newsletter and college-wide blog to launch in summer 2021.

4.50 Increase student retention by strengthening first year advising and student support.

4.51 Engage with students early and often to enhance student awareness of career options and transfer choices.

4.52 Increase enrollment and retention of IDE students.

4.53 Improve retention rates for students identified as potentially at risk of failing to achieve academic good standing including African-american males, Great Expectations participants, and student enrolled in gatekeeper courses.

4.56 Improve completion rate by increasing the total number of conferrals by 15% from AY 20/21 to AY 21/22.

4.57 Streamline process for health technology selective admissions program in order to improve student experience.

4.58 Remove barriers to enrollment for traditionally underserved populations to include first time in college students.

4.59 Streamline onboarding process to increase enrollment, evidenced by an applicant conversion of 52% for fall and 26% for spring.

4.60 Improve applicant to registered conversion rate to 52% and 42% for Fall and Spring semesters respectively.

4.63 In AY 20-21, offer three “Special Circumstances” Programs for families, school counselors, and the community-at-large.

4.65 In AY 20-21, host or co-host special events targeted towards military-affiliated populations.

4.70 Develop process for assigning military-affiliated students’ priority-enrollment options.

4.71 Financial Aid Information – Awareness – Student Engagement

4.72 Increase Financial Aid knowledge – Online and In Person – Community Events

4.73 Increase the total number of remote proctored tests to provide an alternative proctoring option for students juggling multiple priorities. 

4.74 Increase student satisfaction for overall quality of services with Zoom proctoring sessions.

4.76 Increase the awareness of the Germanna’s Office of Accessibility and Resources for Black male students graduating from high school with an IEP. 

4.77 Streamline and remove barriers for students to receive accommodations.

4.78 Align and build up student services support for early college students

4.79 Expand ombudsman (advocate) support

4.80 Expand college-wide mentoring.

4.81 Increase awareness of CARE Team coordinate services to help students cope with non-academic responsibilities.

Build a sustainable infrastructure for mission fulfillment.

Academic Affairs and Workforce Development

5.18 Strengthen Workforce department alignment with LERN self-sufficiency best practices, to increase net revenue by 5% over FY20 tuition income.

Student Services

5.21 Provide cross-training to other departments.

5.22 Staff Development

Human Resources

5.1 Ensure we have faculty and staff in appropriate roles to effectively support our mission and strategic goals while obtaining the greatest ROI. As personnel expense is the greatest operating expense, ensure we are being good stewards of our resources.

Administrative Services

5.2 Improve network system performance to enhance end-user experience.

5.3 Enhance continuity and emergency/crisis preparedness planning to ensure College readiness.

5.4 Provide cultural perception of safety awareness and crime prevention that will improve the quality of campus life as measured by surveys and evaluations in the identified Currently Enrolled Student Survey, QCAs and participant presentation evaluations.

5.7 Develop and implement a training program that includes all College owned facilities. The training will allow all facilities staff to cross-train on each facility across the service region as measured by scoring rubric.

5.8 Improve overall perception of condition of facilities and grounds at GCC by 3% as measured in the Currently Enrolled Student Survey (CESS)

5.9 Leverage data to develop institutional dashboard, for improved institutional decision-making.

5.13 Improve internal control to safeguard assets and insure sustainability.

5.14 Develop webpage that displays important data points and key performance indicators.

5.19 Judiciously manage Germanna resources to ensure long term financial sustainability.

Institutional Advancement

5.15 Reasonably purchase the BJF Building in Stafford. Rent to GCC to support Stafford growth initiatives while decreasing financial risk to the college based upon enrollment.

Foster an intentional culture of excellence in diversity, equity, and opportunity.

Institutional Advancement

6.1 Create a more comprehensive Foundation Business Partners Program.

Nurture a culture of high performance, innovation and appreciation.

Academic Affairs and Workforce Development

1.17 The library will increase student usage of course, subject, and topical library help guides.

1.19 Increase the percentage of all dual enrollment faculty who participate in a GCC-sponsored professional development activity by 5 percent.

Student Services

1.13 Provide professional development and training on diversity, equity, inclusion, and customer service to Testing Services staff.

Human Resources

1.4 Increase comm. and transp. as they relate to HR plans/progr. to assist in creating a cult. that is positive, collab., equit. and safe throughout the life cycle of the employee as meas. by the number of new policies devel. and appr. through shared govern.

1.9 Increase the number of diverse hires by 5%. Ensure good “fit” in the hiring of a more diverse high caliber talent by end of fiscal year.

1.10 Enhance professional development opportunities for Classified staff and Administrative & Professional faculty (A&P) as measured by number of opportunities presented to staff and presentation evaluations.

1.18 Increase the average percentage of diverse applicants for open positions.

Administrative Services

1.5 Provide greater and more proactive service to customers.

1.12 Improve Data Processing Efficiency.

Institutional Advancement

1.7 Engage with Active Advisory Boards.

Transform teaching and learning to meet the needs of all students.

Academic Affairs and Workforce Development

2.15 IIT will support faculty professional development, resulting in an 85% satisfaction rate collected from the Faculty Fall Survey and Spring needs assessment.

2.18 CTL will develop diversity, equity and inclusion professional development opportunities for faculty that develop, maintain, and promote a campus climate and culture of understanding, respect, and support.

2.19 Expand the PBL culture by resulting in 90% of full-time faculty will have a PBL or problem-solving related APPDO objective.

2.20 Develop and maintain a campus culture of understanding and support for diversity through an emphasis on inclusive teaching and learning as demonstrated by 100 percent of full-time faculty.

2.23 Increase student participation in focused study groups targeting classes with the lowest success rates by Germanna minority students.

2.24 Support the Direct Enrollment Initiative by increasing ACE’s academic support intervention to high-risk students enrolled in gateway English and math classes.

2.25 Market ACE to students to ensure they are aware of the availability of on-campus and online learning support programs and resources, resulting in an increase in usage of services.

2.28 Improve the satisfaction reported by participating students enrolled in two or more College Everywhere Courses per semester.

Administrative Services

2.5 Provide the most state-of-the-art classroom technology available by achieving 90% replacement annually on 5 year replacement cycle.

Institutional Advancement

2.6 Develop funding to start new College programs.

Construct an educational and career pipeline for all students from connection through completion.

Academic Affairs and Workforce Development

3.8 Students will feel their Academic Advisor is knowledgeable about their program requirements.

3.18 Increase enrollment in FastForward programs by 3% over FY20, by June 30, 2021

3.21 Plan and implement faculty competency peer groups for each of the six general education competencies to develop a profile of the general education student experience and facilitate reflective interdisc. collaboration designed for continuous improvement.

Student Services

3.19 Enhanced outreach to post-traditional and growth populations including adult learners, career switchers, military families and underserved populations.

3.20 Enhanced virtual information sessions and open house offerings.

3.22 Increase enrollment of recent high school graduates by 5% through Career Coaching.

Eliminate barriers to access and success for all students.

Student Services

4.32 Increase the number of students serviced by the Office of Disability Services by 5%.

4.38 Increase satisfaction with student activities by offering a centralized welcoming and engaging environment.

4.40 Launch an updated College website focused on providing an enhanced and optimized experience for external audiences by summer 2021.

4.41 Expand and enhance the College’s image and brand value by developing a new comprehensive college identity and brand strategy by fall 2020.

4.44 Increase efficiencies of prospect management and communication by summer 2021.

4.48 Enhance and expand outreach to key audiences through the establishment of a monthly digital newsletter and college-wide blog to launch in summer 2021.

4.50 Increase student retention by strengthening first year advising and student support.

4.51 Engage with students early and often to enhance student awareness of career options and transfer choices.

4.52 Increase enrollment and retention of IDE students.

4.53 Improve retention rates for students identified as potentially at risk of failing to achieve academic good standing including African-american males, Great Expectations participants, and student enrolled in gatekeeper courses.

4.56 Improve completion rate by increasing the total number of conferrals by 15% from AY 20/21 to AY 21/22.

4.57 Streamline process for health technology selective admissions program in order to improve student experience.

4.58 Remove barriers to enrollment for traditionally underserved populations to include first time in college students.

4.59 Streamline onboarding process to increase enrollment, evidenced by an applicant conversion of 52% for fall and 26% for spring.

4.60 Improve applicant to registered conversion rate to 52% and 42% for Fall and Spring semesters respectively.

4.63 In AY 20-21, offer three “Special Circumstances” Programs for families, school counselors, and the community-at-large.

4.65 In AY 20-21, host or co-host special events targeted towards military-affiliated populations.

4.70 Develop process for assigning military-affiliated students’ priority-enrollment options.

4.71 Financial Aid Information – Awareness – Student Engagement

4.72 Increase Financial Aid knowledge – Online and In Person – Community Events

4.73 Increase the total number of remote proctored tests to provide an alternative proctoring option for students juggling multiple priorities. 

4.74 Increase student satisfaction for overall quality of services with Zoom proctoring sessions.

4.76 Increase the awareness of the Germanna’s Office of Accessibility and Resources for Black male students graduating from high school with an IEP. 

4.77 Streamline and remove barriers for students to receive accommodations.

4.78 Align and build up student services support for early college students

4.79 Expand ombudsman (advocate) support

4.80 Expand college-wide mentoring.

4.81 Increase awareness of CARE Team coordinate services to help students cope with non-academic responsibilities.

Build a sustainable infrastructure for mission fulfillment.

Academic Affairs and Workforce Development

5.18 Strengthen Workforce department alignment with LERN self-sufficiency best practices, to increase net revenue by 5% over FY20 tuition income.

Student Services

5.21 Provide cross-training to other departments.

5.22 Staff Development

Human Resources

5.1 Ensure we have faculty and staff in appropriate roles to effectively support our mission and strategic goals while obtaining the greatest ROI. As personnel expense is the greatest operating expense, ensure we are being good stewards of our resources.

Administrative Services

5.2 Improve network system performance to enhance end-user experience.

5.3 Enhance continuity and emergency/crisis preparedness planning to ensure College readiness.

5.4 Provide cultural perception of safety awareness and crime prevention that will improve the quality of campus life as measured by surveys and evaluations in the identified Currently Enrolled Student Survey, QCAs and participant presentation evaluations.

5.7 Develop and implement a training program that includes all College owned facilities. The training will allow all facilities staff to cross-train on each facility across the service region as measured by scoring rubric.

5.8 Improve overall perception of condition of facilities and grounds at GCC by 3% as measured in the Currently Enrolled Student Survey (CESS)

5.9 Leverage data to develop institutional dashboard, for improved institutional decision-making.

5.13 Improve internal control to safeguard assets and insure sustainability.

5.14 Develop webpage that displays important data points and key performance indicators.

5.19 Judiciously manage Germanna resources to ensure long term financial sustainability.

Institutional Advancement

5.15 Reasonably purchase the BJF Building in Stafford. Rent to GCC to support Stafford growth initiatives while decreasing financial risk to the college based upon enrollment.

Foster an intentional culture of excellence in diversity, equity, and opportunity.

Institutional Advancement

6.1 Create a more comprehensive Foundation Business Partners Program.

Make a difference in the lives of students.

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