Dev Test 08/03/22 @ 4:04 p.m.

Heading Example <h2>

Lead Paragraph example. The font is larger than a paragraph. A lead paragraph can be used for a page introduction. The lead paragraph is not visible in the content editor view. Select the "Preview" button to see the lead paragraph. This is a test.

This is a standard paragraph example.

Button Types

Button styles must be "Button Blue". The below buttons have the following types of functionality:

  1. Link to Drupal Page (node only)
  2. Link to External Video
  3. Link to Document uploaded to Drupal (be aware of naming conventions)
  4. Link to open Email 
  5. Link to Phone Number
    • tel:555-555-5555

Link to Lighthouse Page

Link to Lighthouse Page

Lighthouse External Video

Python Document 

Python Document

Mailto: Button   


tel:555-555-5555 Button


Bullet List with Linked Documents

How to Preview Edits?

Click on "Preview" to view the edits that have been made to a page before you save. 

Accordion Title
Accordion 1
Accordion 2
Accordion 3
Accordion 4
Hola Germanna

General Card 1

This is a General Card Component.

Campus Tours

General Card 2

Title Two (h4)

This is a General Card Component without an image.

Promo PT Example

Do you want to create a Promo PT? 

Promo PT Example Two

This is a Promo PT.

Disabled Content Example

January Cupcake

Topping toffee brownie chocolate candy canes tart pastry gingerbread tiramisu. Marzipan pudding oat cake pudding marzipan lollipop fruitcake chocolate bar dessert. Liquorice chocolate sweet cupcake muffin powder sugar plum chocolate bar croissant.

February Cupcake

Cake cupcake chocolate bar sweet ice cream donut gummi bears bear claw. Sugar plum lemon drops chupa chups chocolate cupcake fruitcake jelly beans cookie. Cookie wafer wafer biscuit brownie. Cotton candy marshmallow carrot cake tiramisu caramels cheesecake candy cheesecake cheesecake. Tootsie roll liquorice jelly-o biscuit chupa chups sesame snaps muffin.

March Cupcake

Carrot cake ice cream jelly icing pastry. Ice cream tootsie roll ice cream carrot cake cupcake chocolate cake chupa chups. Dessert icing bonbon dragée fruitcake chupa chups cotton candy. Powder chocolate cake croissant candy lollipop.

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