Story by: Mike Zitz

Germanna partnered with Failsafe-ERA on April 13 to host the Right Road Re-Entry Resource Fair geared to help formerly incarcerated citizens make a successful return to the outside world.

The event hosted a panel discussion, a talk about mental health, and shared employment opportunities and ways Germanna can help.

The keynote speaker was Latrone Huggins, a former prison inmate whose hope is, β€œto change the world through my experiences, break the cycle of self-destruction, and empower returning justice-impacted citizens to do great things."

Huggins started a new career at Canon Solutions America as a field tech servicing Greensboro, North Carolina, and Danville and Lynchburg in Virginia. β€œI feel so much pride in the fact that this company believes in me, and I in it,” he says.

Latrone Huggins
Latrone Huggins speaking to attendees of the event

This summer, he will begin his studies at Liberty University, seeking a degree in criminal justice with a focus on youth justice.

A business started by Huggins and his wife, Pivot Management Group, LLC. assists justice-impacted individuals with entrepreneurial business start-ups.

Failsafe-ERA is a nonprofit that provides transformative services to families and individuals impacted by incarceration through its Right Road Re-entry, preventing generations of incarceration with caring connections programs. It's committed to a restorative justice approach encompassing advocacy, morality, and fiscal responsibility to improve lives and reduce recidivism rates.

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